Today we face a lot of challenges in this field. Global efforts are on currently to reduce global CO2 emissions, trying to reduce the release the hazardous materials in the atmosphere and to introduce a change in the lifestyle of the people, making it eco-effective. New innovations will play a big role in this. The new technologies which are turning up should be eco-effective. It should be appropriate and available to all. The transfer of eco friendly technologies from the countries where there are developed to the places where they would prove effective in reducing the adverse affects of development should be made easier. The developing countries need to develop, no questioning that, but instead of taking the wrong and damaging paths, which have been treaded once by the developed nations, they should take the greener road to development. And the developed nations have the responsibility to share their knowledge and data in helping them do so. Profit should cease to be an issue in this case.
The formulation of right policies by the legislature is also one of the prime challenges. After its formulation should be enforced properly and a continuous monitoring of them and of other policies on the global level is needed. Along with this the right education is also needed to the young. The Indian Supreme court’s judgment of making environmental studies a compulsory subject in schools and all undergraduate courses in the country will prove to be very effective in the coming years. An effort in this regard is needed in the industry too. Seminars should be organized and industries made to understand the ways in which they can efficiently become eco-friendly. The governance in this field is a crucial factor. In this capitalist world it may be difficult to implement policies that are good for the environment but affects the development of a field. But tradeoffs are always there and seeing the bleak future that we have, it is essential that the narrow mindedness in our industries and future plans culture be eased out.
Then there is the big question of Development vs. Environment. It has remained a shady subject and though widely debated, the people have yet the find a solution for the problem. The development guy says ‘we need to develop at all costs. It’s our need for survival.’ The Environmentalist says, ‘No development at the cost of development’. Both are right to almost the fullest extent. But then, what to do?? The answer to this would be that development and environment are not adversaries. It’s not the case that one will have to be compromised for the other to continue. In fact to keep developing we need the environment to support us by providing the resources and taking in our waste, whatever it may be, and enabling us to progress with time. Development works in the domain of environment. True, we need to keep developing in our quest of everything with time. We can’t survive if we don’t. But it can’t be done single mindedly. Development needs to be within the limits of the environment, that it needs to survive, which we need to survive on this planet. All development measures must take into account their impact on the environment and what are the ways in which they can harm it the least, working in a way that everyone benefits, and we are able to preserve the beauty of nature for our generations to come.

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